Through the flashbacks we find out that Mikael("Papa Original"-great naming Damon) is Rebekah and Elijah's father but not Klaus's father. When Klaus became a vampire and killed his first victim he actived his werewolf part and so we find out that his mother had an affair with a werewolf.

The big surprise of the episode is that their mother Esther was the original witch who created the vampires and placed the curse on Klaus. Klaus killed his own mother and then he lied to his sibling by saying that Mikael was the one responsable for their mother's death. So I think that this is a very good reason why Mikael hunted Klaus for a thousand years.
We also find out that the stake that can kill an original vampire is made from a oak tree.Before the oak tree was burn Mikael carve a stake just in case he will need it someday.
It was nice to see Elijah,I hope that soon somebody will pull the dagger out of his chest.
Alaric was very helpful this episode, he was the one who deciphered the cave drawings.

We also find out that wiches can't become vampires. I think that Bonnie will be happy to find this out :)
This episode was all about family,so Stefan and Damon spend some quality time together. It was entertaning to watch the scenes with them. Once again we see how powerfull the bond between brothers is- in the scene when Mikael threatenes Damon's life and Stefan saves him again.
I loved the moment when Damon admitted that he won't stop trying to save Stefan.
I am happy that Elena has realized that the bond between Stefan and Damon is incredibly powerfull:"I think you're going to be the one to save him from himself.It won't be because he loves me.It will be bacause he loves you"
Although the main subject of the episode was family,we also had some beautiful moments between Elena and Damon. Their relationship is evolving nicely.

If last season Elena was throwing Damon out of her bedroom, this season is different,they became more comfortable with each other,Elena doesn't see Damon as a threat anymore,she even falls asleep in the same bed with him. Slowly,their relationship is growing and it's becoming more beautiful.
I selected some of my favorite quotes of the episode.
Damon: “You know I’m not a big champion of this whole Lexi Recovery Plan. But Elena thinks this place is going to weaken you out. Break you down and make you feel again.”
Stefan: “And we should all listen to Elena, right? I mean, her plans always work out so well don’t they. Why are you here?”
Damon: “What are you talking about? It’s family day at vampire rehab. I’m just paying a visit to my baby brother.”
Stefan: “It’s precision born out of tragic boredom.”
Damon: “All that effort wasted trying to tell you how boring you were and you finally agree with me?”
Damon [to Stefan]: “You’ve been on this bunny diet for the better part of 50 years.”
Damon (about Stefan): “He’s an even bigger dick than ever; it’s just now he’s a dick that’s on our side.”
Elena[about Stefan] :“How does he look?”
Damon: “Pasty and pouty.”
Elena [to Damon about Rebekah]: “She’s just a girl. She loves blindly and recklessly even if it consumes her. And when it’s all said and done, there’s nothing more important than the bond of family.”
This is my opinion about this episode of The Vampire Diaries! I hope you enjoyed reading my post.
Next week will air the last episode of 2011 and definetly it will be a great one.
The Vampire Diaries will return on January,5.
What did you think of "Ordinary People"?
a fost un episod foarte foarte emotional :) mi-a placut mult de tot:x
ReplyDeletesi mie mi-a placut episodul acesta, mai ales ultima parte cu elena si damon <3 !
ReplyDeletesi mie mi-a placut mult episodul..abia il astept pe urmatorul:D
ReplyDeletede cand am zis ca ma uit si eu si nu m-am mai uitat, ooooffff
ReplyDeleteAi descris perfect episodul :D si eu as vrea sa-l mai vad pe Elijah. Asteptam un sarut la final intre Damon si Elena..dar ar fi complicat lucrurile si mai mult. Ma asteptam ca vampirii sa fi aparut in alt mod dar si asta mi s-a parut o explicatie destul de buna.. insa varcolacii se presupune ca au existat dintotdeauna daca nu au fost creati de o vrajitoare...
ReplyDeleteMi-a placut mult episodul!Abia il astept pe urmatorul!
mi se pare foarte tare serialul asta, mereu ramai socat de cate o chestie...mai ales cand am aflat cum au devenit ei vampiri si tot, a fost super episodul. lumea zice ca sezonul asta e lalait dar mie imi place mult pentru ca pune accent mai mult pe dezvaluiri decat pe actiune multa...cateodata e bine si sa afli povestea din spatele actiuni.