Sunday, June 12, 2011

Green Sandals

I bought this pair of sandals last year and I forgot that I have them! So this summer I will wear them for the first time! I really like them and I am in love with their color. I think that I bought them from a random store but I don't know how much did they cost.


  1. Super tari :X. Imi place culoarea lor :D.

  2. Lovely :x deja am o combinatie in cap petnru ele :D Foarte frumoase ! Sa le porti in zile insorite :*

  3. OMG sunt exact ca ale mele..le-am imprumutat unei prietene(nu prea fac asta dar era un caz mai..special) si ma tot rog de ea sa mi le aduca da nu prea mai are timp..mi-e si mai dor de ele acum:x imi plac f tare si sunt comode:p

  4. @Miss Ellie Sugar: Hihi avem sandalute la fel! Abea astept sa le port, ma bucur sa aflu ca sunt comode.

  5. This pair is perfect for the summer!
