In seson 2 of The Vampire Diaries,episode 12 "The Descent"Stefan calls this number
(001) 919 399 2507 and it's really working. If you dial the number you will find a message from Katherine
and Damon.I don't know how much it costs but I was curious so I dialed.
ReplyDeleteDa,eu am incercat din curiozitate si chiar e un mesaj lasat de Katherine si Damon .
ReplyDeletece tare :))
ReplyDeleteda mi frica de cost suplimentar..:))
:x andreea, te iubesc
ReplyDelete:)) mersi ca mi'ai amintit
am 100 de minute internationale spre Canada si USA:x
acuma sun, vezi ca a aparut ep nou azi :*
omg chiarr
ce tare
o sa sun in fiecare zi pentru ca oricum nu folosesc minutele alea:)))
Ma bucur ca poti sa asculti mesajul!
ReplyDeleteAm vazut deja noul ep:)
O sa-l vad si eu asta seara, yuhuuu! Ce crazy esti, nu mi-ar fi trecut prin cap sa sun. Adica ma gandesc ca toate nrle ce le vedem prin filme nu sunt reale, deci nu merg, dar vad ca nu e asa ;))
ReplyDeleteI will try it later thank you <33
ReplyDeleteI think the best moment in the episode us that Damon is crying !
It's so sweet <3 i really love Damon <3
it's so cute I think he loved rose !
What do you think ?
And I also love his room :D
Yes,that was the best moment! We got to see Damon in a way we’ve never seen him before.
ReplyDeleteI loved the dream with him and Rose.It was so sad the moment when he had to killer her.