I think that this spin-off it's a great ideea and it will compensate for the show's absence this fall.
The series will be focusing on the time between the summer finale and the upcoming Halloween episode in October in which Rosewood prepares for holiday's festivities. While Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and Emily will be notably absent from the 8-episode series, there will be a number of familiar faces making appearances, including Noel Kahn, Garrett, CeCe, Lucas, and even Jason. In addition, a new face will be introduced in Rosewood ,Shana, the local Halloween store clerk, will be played by Aeriel Miranda, who will be actually joining the original cast when new episodes of Pretty Little Liars begin airing in early 2013.
Since this year’s Halloween episode is not going to be a flashback episode, that should mean the web series will pick up on events immediately following the summer finale.
Vanessa Ray as CeCe Drake
Drew Van Acker as Jason DiLaurentis
Brant Daughtery as Noel Kahn
Brendan Robinson as Lucas Gottesman
Yani Gellman as Garrett Reynolds
Aeriel Miranda as Shana

Sources: Wetpaint.com,tvafterdarkonline.com,youtube.com, google.com
What is it the summer finale ALREADY?? NOOO :( I am going to miss it so much! I hope the new series is a good one though and TVD starts soon :) Ixx
Unfortunately it is:( I can't wait for season 4 of the Vampire Diaries! Kisses
DeleteBy the way, Esti pe twitter? Ixx
ReplyDeleteAm cont pe twitter dar nu prea il folosesc, in viitorul apropiat poate ma voi ocupa de el :)
DeleteI love pretty little liars too......can't wait for new episodes...
ReplyDeleteBtw do check out my new post
Stay in touch
I will! Thanks for the visit! Kisses
DeleteM-am uitat la cateva episoade, dar ideea de a afla cine e A ma omoraa si urmaream fiecare episod cu sufletul la gura sa aflu! Dupa primul sezon am lasat serialul balta, nu stiu de ce..
ReplyDeleteSi eu am vrut sa renunt la serial prin sezonul 2 dar totusi am continuat sa ma uit. Imi plac mincinoasele prea mult, nu pot sa renunt la ele :)
DeleteSuch gorgeous inspiration pictures!
ReplyDeleteI'm Your New Follower,Hoping That you Will FOLLOW me too.
Blow a Rainbow on Bloglovin
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Blow a Rainbow on Tumblr
I'll wait you on my blog dear.Have a Nice Day!
Thank you for following me! Kisses
DeleteI'm obsessed with PLL!!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and now following. I will make sure I send some blogluv by checking sponsors or adds (if any) Have a beautiful day!
Thank you! Have a nice day! Kisses
Deleteaaahhh, i can't wait to watch the pll summer finale! and i'm so happy that they will have these webisodes, definitely something to tide us over while waiting for the show's halloween episode. ;)
ReplyDelete<3, Mimi
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I agree, like I said in the post, it's a really great ideea. Kisses
DeleteVai, am cam ramas in urma cu acest serial si acuma citind postarea ta imi pare foarte rau. Dar timpul nu este pierdut, o sa ma documentez si ma voi uita la seriile pierdute!
ReplyDeleteAi timp sa recuperezi, oricum momentan serialul e in pauza :)
DeleteAdor serialul.Unul dintre cele mai bune as putea spune.Iti recomand si Alphas.e foarte diferit de PLL,dar ideea este ca merita vazut:*Pupici:Treci si e la mine
ReplyDeleteAm auzit de Alphas, il am pe lista de seriale de urmarit, probabil ca prin iarna cand vor intra in pauza celelate seriale pe care le urmaresc.
DeleteMultumesc pentru recomandare! :*
Beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I will visit your blog! Kisses
ReplyDeleteThey are so cute!!! love their style!!! xxx
ReplyDeletewow, PLL is one of my favourite series :))
ReplyDeleteamazing blog
would you like to follow each other?
I love this show!
Me too! :*
DeleteGreat post and heard a lot about this show but have yet to watch it myself.
ReplyDeletePS. Thank you for your comment on my blog and would love to follow each other if you like. Hope to hear from you soon.
<3 Marina
You should give it a chance, it's a nice show.
DeleteI'm already following you!
Recunosc ca am fost tentata sa ma uit dar inca n-am reusit, ma uit pentru a 3-a oara la gossip girl, guilty pleasure :)))
ReplyDeleteInteleg perfect partea cu guilty pleasure:)) Eu am vazut The Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy si One Tree Hill de trei ori pana acum ;))
DeleteI love PLL si nu stiu daca nu cumva la tine pe blog l-am spotuit...hmmm... :D oricum, e un an de atunci si ghici ce...se uita si sotu' cu mine :)) numai mie mi se pare ciudat? :P se mai uita vreun iubit, anyone? :P
ReplyDeletePrin 2011 cred ca am scris prima oara despre serial :)
DeleteNu mi se pare ciudat ca sotul tau se uita la serial, daca ii place nu vad de ce nu s-ar uita :)
Multumesc pentru comentariu! :*