Saturday, September 24, 2011

Get Glue-Social Network For TV-Shows

Get Glue is a social network for tv-shows, movies, music, books, celebrities, sports, games and different topics.

You can "check-in" and "like" the entertainment that you consume using the website.After "checking-in" you receive points and you can earn virtual stickers, receive recommendations and you can earn discounts for entertainment companies.

Once a month, you can request to have real versions of the stickers that you've had earn online mailed to you for no cost. Stickers are typically mailed in batches of approximately 20. The stickers will get to you in about one mounth.

You will see that you can win really easy the stickers but for earing the special ones(for example with a character from a tv-show) you need to check-in when the tv-show is airing in the USA.

For example if you live in Romania and you want to earn a "Vampire Diaries" sticker you need to check-in at three or four in the morning on thursday.

Also you have other options besides "like" and cheking-in" -as "dislike", "favorite" and "not for me". So the first thing that you have to do once you have registered is to "like" your favorite things (tv-shows,movies,celebrities) and "chek-in" to them so you can earn the stickers.

I have gotten my first batch of stickers a few days ago,but they are not so interesting because most of them are like "fan" stickers or badges.

In a few months I will receive the stickers with characters from "Grey's Anatomy", "The Vampire Diaries", "Nikita", "Supernatural", "Fringe", "The Secret Circle" and others.

Here are my first Stickers:

Did you know about this site? Do you have an account?


  1. uhuu imi fac si eu cont :D mersi pentru informatie :* stiu ca am promis postul ala, voi incerca zilele astea sa il fac, joi plec la facultate si sunt cam aglomerata. Sorry de intarziere. :*
    Astept sa te inscrii la giveaway. :D

  2. @Miuri: Sa imi lasi un link cu profilul tau,sa te adaug la friends! :*
    @Maya:Cu placere! Succes la fac! Ma voi inscrie la giveaway cand mai curand! te pup
