Since I can't afford them I bough some similar bags at good prices from random stores. Don't get me wrong,I am not a fan of fakes, I wouldn't buy for exemple a fake Chanel bag where you can see the logo or a Luis Vuitton or anykind of bag that has the logo of the brand.
These bags are look alikes,they don't have any logos on them.
I bought this bag from a random store and it cost around 13€ .
This bag is from Camaieu and I boughted at sales for about 13 €.
This bag is from Moa, also bought at sales, it cost me around 30 €.
I bought this bag from a random store for about 30 €.
What's your dream bag?
The photos of the original bags are from:
Fendi Peek-a-boo is my fav!
ReplyDeleteFrumi toate :x imi palce mult prima si a treia :*
ReplyDeleteOMG, major envy....super chestii :x