Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The most comfortable shoes that I own

These shoes are amazing! Beside the fact that they are cheap,about 10 euros, they are so comfortable. I bought the black ones last autumn and since then they are my favorite shoes. I could walk all day in them.
Last week I found the same shoes on grey and white.I bought them immediately. I always have problems with shoes,I find very hard a pair that doesn't kill my feet.

Sorry again for the bad quality of the photos, my camera isn't so good.


  1. Mie mi s-a spus ca sunt ciudata cand mi-am luat 2 perechi de cizme la fel (exact la fel e forma si aceeasi firma, Stone Creek, k unele sunt negre cu modele colorate si altele mov cu flori mov mai inchis...) si alta data 2 perechi de balerini la fel din Office Shoes (iar la fel e relativ... ca unii sunt negri cu 2 flori mari aurii, ceilalti albi cu muulte floricele mici rosii). Si, trebuie sa recunosc, ca iarna trecuta mi-am luat niste cizme inalte de piele intoarsa maro de la Deichmann pe care le-am purtat in nestire, iar iarna asta au aparut de la aceeasi firma bleumarin, si nu m-am putut abtine :P Acum cand recitesc parca incep sa cred si eu ca chiar am o problema :))
    Ideea e ca f rar imi gasesc o pereche de papuci care sa fie masura mea (port nr f mare) si care sa nu imi faca piciorul inca si mai mare decat e.... Vai ce mult am vorbit :) Ideea e ca ma bucur ca nu sunt singura care cumpara papuci pereche :)))
    Te pup, seara placuta!

  2. Ce frumosi sunt!!! Imi plac in special cei gri! :)

  3. hehe, I have an identic pair, in grey...love them too, so comfy!!!

  4. @Rocs:Inseamna ca sunt amandoua ciudate :)) Daca ma simt bine in ceva sau imi place foarte mult imi cumpar pe mai multe culori. te pup
    @Anca Buzea: Multumesc :*
    @Make-up by Dina:I love them too :D
    @Anda Zelenca: Multumesc :*

  5. @Stilistele: Yes,they are so comfy! :*

  6. love the grey ones! i own a pair in black and they are the comfiest shoes ever! nice selections!xoxoty

  7. @TyshaJames:Thank you!
    @C.L.M.: Multumesc :)
