In my country, Romania, we have an awesome offer, we can buy a €2 coupon and we will have 50% off for all Accessorize products from their spring/summer 2013 collection.
Two weeks ago, I bought this cute bag from them, and now I get the chance to buy more lovely things from this store.
I made a wishlist with what I would like to buy, I hope to find at least half of this items in the store.
Buna fetelor!
Cei de la Accessorize au o oferta foarte buna, daca cumparati un voucher in valoare de 9 lei de pe site-ul Groupon puteti beneficia de 50% reducere la colectia lor de primavara/vara 2013.
Mi-am cumparat acum doua saptamani o geanta foarte frumoasa de la ei, de care sunt foarte multumita, iar acum am din nou ocazie sa fac cumparaturi in acest magazin.
Mi-am facut deja o lista de dorinte, sper sa gasesc macar jumatate din aceste produse in magazinele noastre.
Price- $37/125RON
I already have this bag in red and green, but I think that I want it also in brown/Am deja aceasta geanta pe rosu si pe verde dar mi-o doresc si pe maro.
Price- $37/125 RON-
This one looks a lot like the one above, I love those floral details/Aceasta seamana foarte mult cu cea de mai sus; m-au cucerit detaliile florale!
Price- $72/245 RON

Preppy Colour Block Bag
Price: $68/235 RON

Hair accessories/ Accesorii pentru par
Coachella Flower Crown Bando
Price: $16/ 55 RON
Flower Garland
Price: $12/ 39 RON
What's your favorite item from Accessorize?
Ati profitat de aceasta oferta? Care este produsul vostru preferat din acest magazin?