Today I want to show you the last bag that I've bought. As you can see it is similar to the Zara Plaited Leather Shopper bag that I wanted for such a long time but the price stopped me from buying it. I found this cheap version on for about $9. I must say, for this price the bag is really well made. The fake leather looks great and the color is very nice.

You can find the bag here. My bag arrived in three weeks and the shipping was around $14 (the cheapest).
What do you think about this Zara look-a-like bag? Yay or Nay?
e super cute! s-o porti cu drag! :)
ReplyDeleteE superba. Pacat ca e din china si vine la posta vamala, ca altfel mi-as fi luat si eu :)
ReplyDeleteMultumesc! Am vazut genti asemanatoare pe ebay uk. Din cate stiu eu pachetele din UK vin la posta normala.
Deleteit looks pretty damn good for this price tag ;)
ReplyDeleteYes, it looks great for this price. Thanks for the visit.
DeleteHello there!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Cliff and I'm holding The Sartorialist book by Scott Schuman giveaway right now. I'm so happy that I'm here to officially invite you to join the giveaway, it's open internationally. I'm so excited that you have the chance to win. Thank you so much for your time! :) Click HERE for the giveaway!
PS: I Love the bag, I think it's fabulous! :D
Thank you for the invitation!
DeleteLove it!!
ReplyDeleteMe too :) Kisses
DeleteLooove it:X Now, i follow you ! Lovely blog
ReplyDeleteWould you like to follow each other blog?
Thank you for the visit and for the comment! I will visit your blog soon. Kisses
DeleteE foarte frumoasa!:X
ReplyDeleteMultumesc! Ma bucur ca iti place! :*
DeletePusesem ochii pe cea de la ZARA, dar si aceasta arata rezonabil. Asteptam sa vedem combinatille.
ReplyDeleteZadin ♥♥♥
Pentru cat a costat chiar arata bine. Cea de la Zara e minunata. Multumesc pentru vizita.
DeleteAm vazut-o si pe ebay si abia m-am abtinut sa nu mi-o iau, pentru ca e tare frumoasa mai ales in nuanta asta. S-o porti iubita!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc!:* Si mie imi place mult nuanta asta.
DeleteI think you got such a good deal for the bag and it's super cute! I love your blog and your style! Do you mind checking out my blog?
Thank you for your wonderful words! I will check your blog in a minute. Kisses
DeleteYAYAYAY! i love it! i saw it too and i was thinking of buying it but I was so undecided that i gave up :( now i'm sorry!
ReplyDeletei am following your blog now! follow me back at:
Thanks for the visit! I'm already following you! Kisses
DeleteSuper geanta, pusesem si eu ochii pe ea pe wholesale, dar mereu ma pune in dilema transportul. S-o porti cu drag!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc!:* Da,e foarte aiurea cu transportul, de cele mai multe ori costa mai mult decat produsele:(