In 2002 Ian dated Kate Bosworth. They met on the set of "Young Americans" in 2000 and then they worked together on "Rules of Attraction" in 2001. They started dating in late summer 2002, their relationship only lasted a few months.

In 2004 Ian dated Nicky Hilton.Their relationship ended very quickly.

In 2006-2007 Ian Somerhalder and his "Lost" co-star Maggie Grace dated after Ian was killed off the show in 2006.

Ian Somerhalder and Ashley Greene had a fling in 2009. Ashley took Ian to a concert in Vancouver, and sources said they "kissed the whole time."

In 2009-2010 he dated Megan Auld. They were last seen together in New York in February 2010.

After keeping their romance a secret for far too long, Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev finally opened up about their relationship in 2011.
They look so cute together! ♥

Nu stiam ca Ian si Nina sunt impreuna!! I'm so happy, they look great together.. In cazul in care nu merge relatia, speeer sa nu "omoare" serialul :D
ReplyDeleteCu Nina se potriveste cel mai bine :D
ReplyDeleteSe potriveste cel mai bine cu Nina :D e cea mai frumoasa iubita a lui de pana acum..nu stiu cum se intampla uneori de barbatii super hot ca el au iubite de nota medie sa zic asa...
ReplyDeleteI want to see them togheter for like FOREVER <3
ReplyDeletesunt singura care nu stia ca e cu Nina =)))? cat de tare. intotdeauna am vrut sa o vad cu el :D stefan e prea gaina =))
ReplyDelete@Lauren: Din cate am citit pe net ar fi recunoscut ca sunt impreuna. Mi-as dori sa vad un filmulet din care sa reiasa asta ca sa fiu sigura 100%.
ReplyDelete@Miuri:De acord cu tine!:D
@Ale:Le sta super impreuna! Da,cam asa se intampla.:*
@Dariaa: Me 2! :*
@Miu Miu: Daca nu se poate in serial,macar in realitate sa fie impreuna. Totusi sper sa ii vedem impreuna si in serial. :*
El si Nina sunt cute together, desi mi se pare ca el ar putea sa do better :-":))
ReplyDeletePe cine mi-ar placea sa vad impreuna si irl, ar fi Leighton si Ed...:-<
cu nina ii sta cel mai bine :)
ReplyDeleteNici eu nu stiam ca e cu Nina. Nu pot sa spun mai mult decat: cuplul perfect! Imi plac la nebunie amandoi, sper din suflet sa le fie bine.
ReplyDelete@Special K: Da,ar putea dar eu sunt multumita ca el e cu Nina:D
ReplyDeleteLeighton si Ed♥
@Alina: De acord :D
@KarmenB: Exact,cuplul perfect! :*
Nina fits him the best, they are way too cute together. Merry Christmas! <3